Celebrating Jesus: The World's Original Hippy

Today is Jesus' birthday. Well, not really..but the man has to have a day each year set aside just for him. How could we not? He has had billions of followers over the last two millennia. And..

*Books, books and more books dedicated to him, how to worship him, how to follow him and how to be like him. (sort of)

*Numerous movements (religions) started and maintained in his honor.

*Numerous priceless works of art dedicated just to him.

*A multitude of folks who live, eat, breathe and sleep with only one aim in mind: to please him.

I would say this man deserves a day of his own each year. So, a very long time ago,a really smart guy decided to take a pagan holiday and turn it into HIS day.He put the Christ in Christmas. And, it's been there ever since. Heck we even have a precedent for the gift giving thing. You know, the Magi and all. I doubt they stood in line at Wal Mart, but they started this thing. And the star on top of the Christmas tree. They started that too. Maybe we should have a Magi Day. Probably wouldn't be as big a deal as Christmas though.

You have to respect a man who comes along about 1960 years before the hippy movement,turns the world upside down, teaches love AND, in effect, turning on and tuning out. This guy was a rebel and taught the unconventional. And, he paid for it with his life. But, that's another holiday, isn't it? Anyway, regardless of your beliefs and faith, you gotta give this Dude his due. And his day.

Merry Christmas

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